
Most custom estimates will be ready within 24 hours of submission.

Please check our existing products before requesting a custom estimate. We recommend you tailor your job to those specifications for maximum cost-effectiveness. A custom order is a job that has quantities or specifications different than what is normally available, Typically these jobs are more expensive than the pre-quoted products on our website.
Double-check that all the specifications you have selected are complete and correct. If you would like an estimate for different sets of options (for example, pricing on both 14 Pt. Uncoated and 100# Gloss Text), please submit separate estimate requests. The notes section of the estimate request is only for additional notes. Please do not use the notes to request multiple estimates within one request. Estimators can only process one set of options per estimate.

Smaller size of a product we offer?

  As long as the product is the same size or smaller on both dimensions, just type the size you want in the “Any Size” window on the piricing calculator. For example, choose 8.5”x11” and type 8”x10”.

Will i receive an email notification?

  Yes. Whether we are able to fulfill your custom quote, offer you a different set of options, or are unable to offer a competitive quote, you will receive an email.
  You can also check your client dashboard to see the status of your estimate or to place your custom order once your estimate is done.

How to accept an estimate?

  Simply login to your account, go to “my estimates”, select the one you want, and click “place order”. Please note that this will guide you back to a section to add shipping. OUR INITIAL CUSTOM ESTIMATE DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY SHIPPING CHARGES.

What about shipping charges?

  To generate the shipping cost, click on “place order” and type in the shipping information to view pricing. Do not proceed with the order unless you are ready to process payment.
Warning: Customers that have a high custom estimate to low order ratio may periodically be reviewed. If the issue continues to occur, we may be unable to fill your custom estimate requests.

Choose Your Product

  If you would like to send us a screenshot, please use the field below.
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